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This workshop is designed to introduce senior leaders and wellbeing champions to an 8 Step Framework for developing, implementing and sustaining a wellbeing programme at their
Many well-intentioned organisations are trapped in endless cycles of random acts of wellness with no clear strategy, no measurements, no health benefits for colleagues and no
tangible benefits for the organisation.
The 8 Step Framework for Developing a Workplace Wellness Programme that Lasts is based on academic research, on the Wellness Council of America’s benchmarks and practical case
study examples from Irish organisations.
Workshop Structure
• Introduction: The Landscape of Workplace Wellbeing in Ireland and internationally
• Workplace wellbeing frameworks: WHO, CDC and ISO45003
• ‘What is wellbeing’ group exercise
• Step 1: Committed and Aligned Leadership
• Step 2: Create a Team of Wellbeing Champions
• Step 3: Gather Meaningful Data
• Step 4: Craft an Operating Plan
• Step 5: Choose the Interventions
• Step 6: Communicate Strategically
• Step 7: Cultivate a Supportive Environment
• Step 8: Evaluate, Celebrate and Iterate
• Reflect upon what we have learned
• Q&A
Who will benefit?
This workshop is targeted at senior leaders, HR professionals, health and safety managers, wellbeing champions and anyone that has a say in the direction of wellbeing at their
How will you benefit?
• Practical step-by-step introduction to implementing a wellness programme
• Overview of the evidence on what makes wellness programmes work successfully
• Focus on the challenges and opportunities at your own workplace
• Review real world examples